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4240 NW 120th Av
Coral Springs, FL 33065

Comfort Medical’s Notice of Privacy Practices
Return Policy
Weather Emergencies
Customer Rights and Responsibilities
Customer Satisfaction Policy
Medicare Standards


This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully.

For any privacy concerns, please email us at


When it comes to your health information, you have certain rights.

This section explains your rights and some of our responsibilities to help you.

Your Rights

Get an electronic or paper copy of your medical record

      • You can ask to see or get an electronic or paper copy of your medical record and other health information we have about you. Ask us how to do this.
      • We will provide a copy or a summary of your health information, usually within 30 days of your request. We may charge a reasonable, cost-based fee.

Ask us to correct your medical record

      • You can ask us to correct health information about you that you think is incorrect or incomplete. Ask us how to do this.
      • We may say “no” to your request, but we’ll tell you why in writing within 60 days.

Request confidential communications

      • You can ask us to contact you in a specific way (for example, home or office phone) or to send mail to a different address.
      • We will say “yes” to all reasonable requests.

Ask us to limit what we use or share

      • You can ask us not to use or share certain health information for treatment, payment, or our operations. We are not required to agree to your request, and we may say “no” if it would affect your care.
      • If you are not in Medicaid and pay for a service or health care item out-of-pocket in full, you can ask us not to share that information for the purpose of payment or our operations with your health insurer. We will say “yes” unless a law requires us to share that information.

Get a list of those with whom we’ve shared information

      • You can ask for a list (accounting) of the times we’ve shared your health information for six years prior to the date you ask, who we shared it with, and why.
      • We will include all the disclosures except for those about treatment, payment, and health care operations, and certain other disclosures (such as any you asked us to make). We’ll provide one accounting a year for free but will charge a reasonable, cost-based fee if you ask for another one within 12 months.

Get a copy of this Notice of Privacy Practices

      • You can ask for a paper copy of this notice at any time, even if you have agreed to receive the notice electronically. We will provide you with a paper copy promptly.

Choose someone to act for you

      • If you have given someone medical power of attorney or if someone is your legal guardian, that person can exercise your rights and make choices about the use and disclosure of your health information.

File a complaint if you feel your rights are violated

      • You can complain if you feel we have violated your rights by emailing, calling 1-800-700-4246,
        or by sending a letter to
        Attn: Privacy Officer
        4240 NW 120th Ave
        Coral Springs, FL 33065
      • You may also contact the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services by sending a letter to 200 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20201, calling 1-877-696-6775, or visiting
      • We will not retaliate against you for filing a complaint.

Your choices

For certain health information, you can tell us your choices about what we share. If you have a clear preference for how we share your information in the situations described below, talk to us. Tell us what you want us to do, and we will follow your instructions.

In these cases, you have both the right and choice to tell us to:

      • Share information with your family, close friends, or others involved in your care.
      • Share information in a disaster relief situation.
      • If you are not able to tell us your preference, for example if you are unconscious, we may go ahead and share your information if we believe it is in your best interest. We may also share your information when needed to lessen a serious and imminent threat to health or safety.

In these cases we never share your information unless you give us written permission:

      • Marketing purposes: without your consent, the only time we may use or share your information for marketing purposes is when it is specifically permitted under the law, such as interacting with you face to face or providing you a token gift.
      • Sale of your information: without your consent, the only time we may use or share your information in a sales transaction is when it is specifically permitted under the law, such as the sale of an entire business operation.

In the case of fundraising:

      • We may contact you for fundraising efforts, but you may tell us not to contact you again.

Our uses and disclosures

How do we typically use or share your health information?

We typically use or share your health information in the following ways.

For treatment

      • We can use your health information and share it with other professionals who are treating you.
      • We can share your health information with a product or device manufacturer to provide lifestyle and product to you, for example regarding proper use and insertion of a device.
      • Example: We may ask your doctor for an updated prescription.

Run our organization

      • We can use and share your health information to run our organization, improve your care, and contact you when necessary. We may share your information with our business partners called “business associates” who help us to run and manage our operations.
      • Example: We use health information about you to manage delivery of services and supplies.

Bill for your services

      • We can use and share your health information to bill and get payment from health plans or other entities.
      • Example: We give information about you to your health insurance plan so it will pay for your supplies.

How else do we use or share your health information?

We are allowed, and sometimes required, to share your information in other ways – usually in ways that contribute to the public good, such as public health and research. We have to meet many conditions in the law before we can share your information for these purposes.

Help with public health and safety issues

We can share health information about you for certain situations such as:

      • Preventing disease
      • Helping with product recalls
      • Reporting adverse events
      • Reporting suspected abuse, neglect, or domestic violence
      • Preventing or reducing a serious threat to anyone’s health or safety

Comply with the law

We will share information about you if state or federal laws require it, including with the Department of Health and Human Services if it wants to see that we’re complying with federal privacy law.

Address workers’ compensation, law enforcement, and other government requests

We can use or share health information about you:

      • For workers’ compensation claims
      • For law enforcement purposes or with a law enforcement official
      • With health oversight agencies for activities authorized by law
      • For special government functions such as military, national security, and presidential protective services as required by law

Respond to lawsuits and legal actions

      • We can share health information about you in response to a court or administrative order, or in response to a subpoena.

Our Responsibilities

      • We are required by law to maintain the privacy and security of your protected health information.
      • We will let you know promptly if a breach occurs that may have compromised the privacy or security of your information.
      • We must follow the duties and privacy practices described in this notice and give you a copy of it.
      • We will not use or share your information other than as described here unless you tell us we can in writing. If you tell us we can, you may change your mind at any time. Let us know in writing if you change your mind.

For more information see:

Notice of Non-Discrimination

Comfort Medical does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in admission, treatment, or participation in its programs, services and activities, or in employment. For further information about this policy, contact our Customer Service Manager.
4240 NW 120th Avenue, Coral Springs, FL 33065

The effective date of this notice is October 1, 2021. We may change the terms of this notice, and the changes will apply to all information we have about you. The new notice will be available upon request, at our physical office, and on our web site.



In the course of its business, Comfort Medical, LLC (“Comfort Medical” or “us”), a U.S. based corporation, is collecting and using personal information. This Privacy Notice covers personal information about Comfort Medical’s customers, partners, healthcare professionals, end-users, persons acting on behalf of any of the previous, and other persons that engage with Comfort Medical (“Consumer” or “you”). By interacting with Comfort Medical through our employees, websites, mobile applications, social platforms, products, and services, you consent to the use of your information that is collected or submitted as described in this privacy notice. Comfort Medical’s Privacy Notice applies to this collection and use of personal information in general, but Comfort Medical may provide specific privacy notices for certain collection and use of personal information.

By clicking the topics below you will find more information about the different aspects of Comfort Medical’s handling of personal information:

What information may be collected?

Comfort Medical may collect the following types of information from different sources:

  • Name
  • Mailing address
  • Shipping address
  • Phone (or mobile) number
  • E-mail address
  • Date of birth, age
  • Gender
  • Audio recordings
  • Medical information, health insurance information, physical characteristics or description, physical or mental disability, caregiver or healthcare provider information
  • Product usage information, supplier information
  • Information on how you use our websites and mobile applications, search terms, pages you visit on our websites and our mobile applications, and website and mobile application performance
  • Media information and information regarding a Consumer’s interaction with an internet website, application, or advertisement
  • Your mobile device information
  • IP Address

How is the information collected?

Comfort Medical may collect information about you from different sources, such as:

  • Direct interaction with you, such as mail responses, phone calls, online chat, events or meetings.
  • When you visit our websites, use our mobile applications, exchange e-mails with us, use our online forms and services, engage with us on social media and other platforms.
  • Other sources, such as suppliers, hospitals, and healthcare providers that request products for you.

What is the information collected for?

Comfort Medical is processing personal information for a variety of purposes, depending on the nature of the relationship we have with you. For illustration see the following examples:

  • We process information about contact persons (e.g., healthcare professionals) from our customers and partners to deliver products and services, to comply with quality and safety requirements, detect and prevent fraudulent activity, and to maintain and improve our offerings.
  • We process information about our end-users to deliver products (e.g., when required by a hospital), to comply with quality and safety requirements, to provide samples or services to the end-users, send marketing communications and other information regarding products, services and promotions, detect and prevent fraudulent activity, and to maintain and improve our offerings.
  • We process information about persons that have signed up to receive newsletters and other materials to deliver the materials and to maintain and improve our offerings.
  • We process cookie information to provide tailored advertising on social media and through Microsoft Advertising (Microsoft Privacy Statement).

In case you wish to request our provision of services, products, newsletters and other materials we need certain personal information to handle your request. You are not obligated to provide the information, but we cannot handle your request if you choose not to provide your information to us.

Comfort Medical protects your personal information and will only allow it to be used for the mentioned purposes. Comfort Medical will not sell your personal information to third parties or in similar ways send it to third parties for their exploitation. Comfort Medical does not make use of automated decision-making, such as profiling, that will affect you as a person.

Who is handling the information?

The recipients of your personal information are the Comfort Medical employees responsible for handling the information for the specific purpose in question. All personal information is handled on a need to know basis only. In some cases, the information is stored or handled by third party processors that assist Comfort Medical with a specific service, such as hosting and IT service providers and logistics firms (in case they need your information to distribute products or other materials to you). The third-party processors will only process the information in accordance with Comfort Medical’s instructions and for Comfort Medical’s purposes. They will not share the information with others, and they will delete the information when their tasks are completed.

If public authorities request access to your information, we make a legal assessment of the request, and if applicable law requires us to disclose the information, we will comply with the request. You will be notified in accordance with applicable law in the event of any such disclosure of your information.

In some places on our websites, mobile applications, and social platforms, you will find public forums, message boards, and/or news groups. Any information that is disclosed in these areas becomes public information, and you should exercise caution when deciding to disclose your personal information.

In the event that all or a part of our business is merged, sold or reorganized (including transfers made as a part of insolvency or bankruptcy proceedings), personal data about you could be shared with the successor business.

How long is the information being stored?

Comfort Medical stores information as long as it is relevant for the purpose(s) it is being used for, unless applicable law requires us to retain it for a longer period of time. For illustration see the following examples:

  • Where your information is used to provide you with products or services, we will in general retain the information until seven years after the last delivery, unless applicable law requires us to delete it earlier or store it for a longer period of time.
  • Where your information is used to send you newsletters or other materials on basis of your consent, we will in general retain the information until seven years after you withdraw the consent.

How is transfer of information handled securely?

Comfort Medical and its hosting providers maintain servers around the world and your information may be processed on servers located outside of the country where you live. Data protection laws vary among countries, with some providing more protection than others. Regardless of where your information is processed, we apply the same protections described in this policy. Comfort Medical has adopted binding corporate rules pursuant to article 47 of GDPR to safeguard personal information within the Coloplast group, and we also apply other legal frameworks, such as the standard data protection clauses adopted by the EU Commission or EU-US Privacy Shield, when required in our collaboration with third party processors.

How to update your personal information?

Comfort Medical takes reasonable steps to keep your personal information accurate and complete. You can access or update some of your personal information in the following ways:

  • If you have created an account on one of our websites or mobile services, you can log in to review and update your information.
  • Call, email, or send us a letter with your current contact information and your requested changes. We will make the changes you request or will provide an explanation of what actions we will be able to take with regards to the request. Please refer to the How to contact us section below.

What choices do you have?

Uninstall a Comfort Medical Mobile Application

You can stop all further collection of information by a Comfort Medical mobile application by uninstalling the mobile application. You may use the standard uninstall process available as part of your mobile device or via the mobile application marketplace or network.


If you do not wish to receive promotional e-mails from us, call, email or write us to opt-out. Please refer to the How to contact us section below. You also have the ability to unsubscribe from promotional e-mails via the unsubscribe link included in each promotional e-mail. It may take up to ten days to process your request.

This opt-out does not apply to operational email, such as surveys, and what is required or permitted under law, such as recall notices.

Postal Mail

If you do not wish to receive promotional material vis postal mail, call, email or write us to opt-out. Please refer to the How to contact us section below. Please note that postal mailings are often prepared many weeks in advance, and you may continue to receive mail for six to ten weeks.

This opt-out does not apply to operational communications, such as product deliveries, and what is required or permitted under law, such as recall notices.


If you do not wish to receive promotional telephone calls, call, email or write us to opt-out. Please refer to the How to contact us section below. It may take up to ten days to process your request.


We may send text messages you have consented to receive. You can cancel text messages at any time by texting “STOP”. After you send “STOP” we may send you an additional text message to confirm that you have been unsubscribed. You will no longer receive text messages from that short code, but you may receive text messages if you are subscribed to other text lists. If at any time you have questions about the text messages, text “HELP”. After you send “HELP” we will respond with instructions on how to use our service as well as how to unsubscribe. Message and data rates may apply. It may take up to 30 days to process your request.

Do Not Track

Some browsers have a “do not track” feature that lets you tell websites that you do not want to have your online activities tracked. At this time, we do not respond to browser “do not track” signals.

How do we protect your information?

We maintain administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect your personal information. When we collect or transmit sensitive information, such as a health or medical information, we use industry standard methods to protect that information. This website has security measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control.

How to contact us?

If you have any questions or comments about this notice, the ways in which Comfort Medical collects and uses your information, your rights and choices regarding such use, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Phone: (800) 700-4246
Postal Address:
Comfort Medical
Attn: Privacy Officer
4240 NW 120th Ave
Coral Springs, FL 33065


Changes to this privacy notice

Comfort Medical reserves the right to amend this privacy notice at our discretion and at any time. When we make changes to this privacy notice, we will post the updated notice on our website,, and update the notice’s effective date. Your continued use of our website, mobile applications, products, and services following the posting of changes constitutes your acceptance of such changes.


Effective date: January 9, 2021


If, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with your order, you may exchange or return products within thirty (30) calendar days of the date your supplies shipped according to the policy below:

All returns and exchanges must have a Return Authorization (RA) number. Obtain an RA number by calling customer service at 1-800-700-4246.

If we shipped wrong or defective item(s), we will exchange the item(s) for the proper one(s) provided the exchange is requested within thirty (30) calendar days of the shipment date.

All products and packaging must be returned in the condition in which they were received in order for Comfort Medical to process refunds. Any product(s) showing signs of wear will not be accepted for exchange or return.

A return of core products (i.e., catheters or pouches/wafers) must include all accessory products shipped with the order to qualify for a refund.

Items sold as a closed-kit system must be returned with all components of the kit to qualify for a refund.

If Medicare or your insurance company paid for the order, and your return qualifies for a refund, we will issue the payer a credit refund. Comfort Medical will only credit a customer’s account if any portion of the remaining balance (after insurance payment) was paid by the customer.


In case of any weather emergencies that may affect the ability of Comfort Medical to operate safely, our offices may close for one (1) or more days. When we have an impending weather emergency that may affect our ability to provide your shipment, we try to expedite the shipment of your order prior to the weather emergency. If you relocate either temporarily or permanently because of a weather emergency, please provide us with your new address as soon as possible so that we may ship your product to the correct location.

If our offices are closed due to a weather emergency, we will transfer the main telephone numbers to a call center outside of the immediate geographic area. Customers may leave a message that will be retrieved by our staff. Once the weather emergency has passed, Comfort will re-open and resume normal operations. We will follow up on all voice messages left for us and ship your supplies as soon as delivery services are operational in our area.

For customers residing in the state of Florida additional resources can be found at, including the special needs registry Special Needs Registry|Home. For technical support please contact the Florida Special Needs Registry Help Desk at You can also reach out to your Local Emergency Management Agency for assistance.


We partner with all major manufacturers and honor their warranties. We will replace free of charge, any Medicare and Medicaid covered equipment that is under warranty. If you receive any defective products, please call us at 1-800-700-4246.


  1. To be informed in advance about the products/service to be provided.
  2. To participate in the development of and periodic modification to the plan of care.
  3. To receive information about the scope of products/service that the organization will provide and specific limitation(s) on that service.
  4. To make informed consent or refusal of products/service after the consequences of refusing the products/service are presented fully.
  5. To be informed of right under state law to formulate an Advanced Directive, if applicable.
  6. To have one’s property and person treated with respect, consideration, and recognition of customer dignity and individuality.
  7. To be able to identify visiting personnel members through proper identification.
  8. To be free from mistreatment, neglect, or mental, physical, sexual, and verbal abuse, including injuries of unknown source and misappropriation of customer property.
  9. To voice grievances/complaints regarding products/services, that are furnished or recommend changes in policy, personnel, or products/services without restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination, or reprisal.
  10. To have grievances/complaints regarding products/services investigated.
  11. To have assurance that the privacy, confidentiality, and security of information in the customer record and all Protected Health Information (PHI) is secured.
  12. To be advised of Comfort Medical’s policies and procedures regarding the disclosure of PHI.
  13. To choose a healthcare provider, including choosing an attending physician, if applicable.
  14. To receive appropriate products/services in accordance with physician orders and without discrimination.
  15. To be informed of any financial benefits when referred to an organization.
  16. To be informed fully of one’s responsibilities.


  1. To dial 911 whenever a life-threatening emergency arises.
  2. To comply with your physician’s plan of care.
  3. To report any changes in status, including address, medical condition, physician, billing information, or insurance coverage, to Comfort Medical promptly.
  4. To fulfil all financial obligations to Comfort Medical promptly.
  5. To provide, to the best of your knowledge, accurate and complete information about matters relating to your care that may impact products/service provided by Comfort Medical.
  6. To report any unexpected changes in your condition that may impact products/service provided by Comfort Medical.
  7. To show consideration and respect for the rights of Comfort Medical personnel when communicating with Comfort Medical representatives.
  8. To use and care for products as instructed, and not allow use by others.


If you have any questions or concerns about the products or services provided to you by Comfort Medical, you may express these concerns by e-mail, telephone, or in writing. Direct your call or letter to our Customer Service Manager.
4240 NW 120th Avenue, Coral Springs, FL 33065

You will receive a response to the extent possible at the time of your complaint when received via telephone. If we are not able to respond to you verbally at the time reported, or your complaint is in writing, your complaint will be responded to in a reasonable amount of time after receipt of the complaint.

In addition to the complaint procedures listed above, if you do not receive satisfactory resolution from us, you can contact our accrediting organization, ACHC, at 1-919-785-1214, or toll-free at 855-937-2242. If you are a Medicare beneficiary, you can contact Medicare at 1-800-633-4227. Our mission is to provide superior customer service to you.

Medicaid fraud means an intentional deception or misrepresentation made by a person with the knowledge that the deception could result in some unauthorized benefit to himself/herself. It includes any act that constitutes fraud under applicable federal or state law as it relates to Medicaid. The Office of the Inspector General at the Agency for Health Care Administration accepts complaints regarding suspected fraud and abuse in the Florida Medicaid system. To report suspected Medicaid fraud, please call toll-free at 1-866-966-7226 or on the agency website at:

To report abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a disabled adult or an elderly person, please call toll-free 1-800-962-2873.


The products and/or services provided to you by Comfort Medical are subject to the supplier standards contained in the Federal regulations shown at 42 Code of Federal Regulations Section 424.57(c). These standards concern business, professional, and operational matters (e.g., honoring warranties and hours of operation).

The full text of these standards can be obtained at:

Upon request we will furnish you a written copy of the standards.